
Although I can not trace much of the information about the history of internet marketing to a third-party source, I decided to include my findings about the history of search engine marketing in my research paper. I figured that my analysis and all the comparisons I did between the various search engine marketing companies was a good enough to explain this history of internet marketing.

Given the fact that some of the information I found for my internet marketing research paper were very interesting, I have decided to include them in this website. As such, I would like to first inform my readers that website marketing has been around much longer that most people think. Web site marketing, I found, started in early 1994 as the major search engines of the time were starting to rank websites based on search terms. At this point website owners all wanted to improve search engine rankings so they can be on the first ten or twenty list of returned search results for various search terms. This higher search engine ranking would help websites get more traffic.

In short, a large demand was developing where website owners were trying to get more visitors to their sites, and at the time the supply of internet marketing and search engine marketing companies were relatively low. Therefore, more and more people who knew a good amount of information about web site marketing, started charging money for their search engine marketing and other internet marke